Malignant mesothelioma is such a rare and complex cancer that getting an accurate diagnosis often requires an experienced specialist who understands all of its intricacies.
Mesothelioma often is misdiagnosed by physicians and oncologists who rarely see it, and don't fully understand how it works, leading to unnecessary delays in developing a comprehensive treatment plan.
A misdiagnosis will reduce your chance of survival. Finding a specialist is critical. Second opinions are necessary.
If there is a history of exposure to asbestos – the primary cause of mesothelioma – then it is important to find a specialist who can diagnose or confirm the disease quickly, and tailor an effective treatment regimen to fit your personal needs.
"Mesothelioma is so complex, and its care so specialized, that a patient really needs the best care in the world," said mesothelioma specialist and thoracic surgeon Dr. Abraham Lebenthal of Brigham & Women's Hospital and the Boston VA. "This is not a knock on anyone, but many doctors only see one or two cases a year, and you don't want to be on someone's learning curve. Find the best. Find someone who sees this a lot."
Common Misdiagnoses
Dr. Fontaine explains why mesothelioma is so difficult to diagnose.
Patients with pleural mesothelioma, which starts in the lining around the lungs, often are told initially they have pneumonia or asthma, only to learn nine months later they had a much more serious illness brewing.
Patients with peritoneal mesothelioma, which starts in the lining around the abdominal cavity, have been told by physicians they have something as common as irritable bowel syndrome before learning their problem is much more serious.
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